Valoptia est un éditeur de logiciels dédiés au pilotage de la performance économique.
Valoptia conçoit, développe et déploie ses produits et solutions métiers autour des fondamentaux suivants :
Fonctionnalités centrées sur les besoins réels des utilisateurs
Simplicité d’utilisation
Interfaces complètes avec les outils bureautiques standards
Infrastructure technique légère et économique
Coûts d’acquisition, de mise en œuvre et d’exploitation ajustés aux enjeux métiers
Valoptia bénéficie de l’expertise du cabinet Cost House pour la conception de ses solutions et de leur mise en œuvre.
Budget simulation and impact analysis of economic and operational assumptions
To establish accurate forecasts and make informed decisions, as close as possible to the economic reality of an organization, to anticipate risks, a quantified analysis of the impacts of the different scenarios of evolution of the cost structure is required through 'a dedicated tool.
The Valoptia.SIM solution is a decision-making support tool that adapts flexibly to the analyzed scope by allowing decision-makers to preview the impact on the cost structure of budget guidelines that affect all the company or a given department.
By relying on cost references, Valoptia.SIM offers a precise restitution of the application of economic and operational assumptions, making it possible to immediately analyze the distortion of the cost structure and prevent risks.
Valoptia.SIM embeds an intelligent calculation engine which integrates the main rules for the evolution of costs in business, making it possible to model, for example, the non-linear behavior of costs or the impact of indirect costs to establish budget projections quantified at the closer to reality.
Video 1/2 - Concepts and methodology
You are a General Management, a Financial or Business Department
You are responsible for the economic management of a CSP or a GIE
You are an IT department who wants to analyze and control your costs
You are in charge of steering and distributing management costs within the company
The Valoptia.SIM solution is designed for you.
Free choice of simulation scenarios
Simple and pragmatic cost simulation approach
Possible implementation of business benchmarks : transversal functions (DFCG), IS (CIGREF), Marketing (UDA), Customer Relations (AFRC), Industry, Social Protection
Restitution of quantified analyzes, graphic restitution of the impacts linked to the various assumptions and rules applied
Ability (not possible in Excel) to simply model the nonlinear behavior of changing costs
More relevant budget projection based on what has been achieved, in a non-linear fashion
Possibility of simulating the evolution of costs according to assumptions of various kinds (economic, social, technical, trades, etc.)
Intuitive reporting (cost trees and dynamic web reports) interfaced with BI Data Visualization tools on the market